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Chiropractor Sydney Approach to General Back Pain.

General or both-sided lower back pain is probably the most common type of lower back pain that Kieran treats daily; it is usually described more as an “ache” or “tension” rather than pain precisely. It typically runs at or just above the belt on both sides. It is usually felt when sitting or standing for extended periods or particular exercises or movements that involve bending forwards. Many people with this type of back pain wake quite stiff and achy. The pain tends to ease after 15 to 30 minutes but returns later in the day after sitting at work.

The main soft tissue structures involved include the thoracolumbar fascia, erector spine, and quadratus lumborum muscles; the non-soft tissue areas include the joints of the lower spine, namely the 4th and 5th lumbar facets joints, as well as the thoracolumbar junction.  The hips/glutes are usually not as heavily involved with this type of back when compared to one-sided low back; however, when it has become chronic, there is a significant amount of tensing and guarding of the lower back, the muscles in the upper glutes where the hips and low back joins and around the sacrum may also become involved as a consequence of this and often need to be addressed with the lower back tension.