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Chiropractor sydney, Chronic back Pain

Chiropractor Sydney Approach to Low Back Pain.

The vast majority of sufferers can be classed as “non-specific”, which means there is no one specific cause or reason for lower back pain. The spine has a variety of different structures which are responsible for pain, as the spine is a Intergrated unit it’s rare to for only one of these structures to be underlying your pain and there are usually several factors that may aggravate these structures.

If you have long term tension in your muscles, fascia, tendons in the muscles that support the spine, adjusting the spinal joints with chiropractic often has very little impact on these structures, similarly if your spinal joints are dysfunctional, stiff and painful, treating the muscles will have little effect, as they respond best to direct adjustments/spinal manipulation. Most people respond to a holistic approach that treats the spine as an Intergrated unit as well incorporating education & advice on how to integrate best spinal health practices on a day-to-day basis to prevent pain occurring in the first place.

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