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Chiropractor Sydney Approach to Mid & Upper Back pain.


Mid-back pain is typically felt centrally and running parallel on either side of the spine; most people describe it as stiffness or tension, typically felt after a long day sitting. Tension in the mid and upper back usually extends further up to the neck and shoulders, leading to pain and tension in the neck and shoulders. Alternatively, mid-back pain may be felt more locally around one shoulder, usually along the inside or undersurface of the shoulder blade; it is also common to feel specific pain points on the lower one-third of the shoulder blade. One-sided mid-back pain often moves up to the neck and shoulder and may affect the rotator cuff muscles once it has become a long-term issue.

For the best results, the main postural muscles to get treated include the mid, lower, and upper traps, rhomboids, infraspinatus, levator scapula, iliocostalis, and serratus posterior; this makes any chiropractic adjustments to specific areas of the spine much more effective. Kieran has treated quite a few mid-back pain sufferers over the years who would have to regularly see another chiropractor to have their “ribs put back in,” whose pain was then resolved in considerably less time with this muscle and spine approach.