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Chiropractor Sydney Approach to Neck Pain.

I have listed the specific types of neck pain I regularly treat at the bottom of this page;

  1. The base of the skull (both sides)
  2. 0ne-sided neck pain.
  3. Neck pain with headaches
  4. Neck pain with arm pain.

Getting accurate information on your condition is important as a neck pain sufferer. In fact, by reading this information, you will have a better understanding than some professionals, who, even after 20 years of scientific research showing alignment & posture aren’t related to neck pain, will still diagnose every single neck pain sufferer with poor posture and a misaligned spine. There are three times more people with “poor posture” that don’t have neck pain than there are with neck pain.

Neck pain is the fourth leading cause of disability, with 30% of people experiencing it yearly; for more recent episodes of neck pain, most will recover, even without treatment; however, for 50% of neck pain sufferers, it will persist with frequent and ongoing reoccurrences. Many factors are involved in neck pain, such as gender, age, stress levels, occupation type, previous injury such as whiplash, TMJ/jaw associated pain etc.…

Kieran has treated countless people who would have to go for regular 10-minute chiropractic adjustments; sometimes pain relief is so symptomatic they would return multiple times a week! This relief is similar, if not worse than taking over the counter medication. Kieran doesn’t just mask the symptoms but identifies all the major causes of your neck pain and headaches.

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Base of skull/general
neck pain

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One side neck pain

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Neck pain with arm pain

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