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Chiropractor Sydney Approach To Neck + Arm Pain.

Neck pain associated with arm pain, aches, and numbness is typically due to two leading causes.

Cervical radiculopathy is a condition in which nerves exiting the neck are impinged by a disc or other spine structures, leading to pain in the neck, back, and shoulder, pins, and needles/reduced sensation, and potentially loss of strength in severe cases. The vast majority of cervical radiculopathies resolve within 8-12 weeks. Treatment typically involves:

  • Education, prognosis & reasurance. 
  • Managing muscle spasms and tension.
  • Increasing range of motion & function
  • Co-managing with medical professionals.

The second cause may be referred pain; several structures in the neck and shoulder (besides the nerve) can refer pain to the arm. The most common is the scalene muscle, which sits at the front of the neck but refers to the back, scapula, down the arm, and into the fingers. This pattern mimics cervical radiculopathy the most. Shoulder muscles such as the infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and levator scapulae also refer down the arm but are less associated with neck pain.