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Chiropractor Sydney Approach to Back Pain.

This type of lower back pain often feels more painful, and deep and has a more negative impact on daily activities compared to general or two-sided low back pain. It tends to restrict particular movements, such as bending forwards and rotating the spine with a “pulling” sensation on the painful side. It can be felt right over where the spine meets the pelvis and running parallel to the spine up to the bottom rib. Tension in the affected muscles and joints is more concentrated which is why the pain is more concentrated in specific areas. The hip is usually involved in this type of back pain, it may be referred to as “lumbopelvic pain”. The pain may also extend into the back or side of the leg, many people confuse this with a “pinched nerve”.

Strong and specific massage and hands-on work are usually needed with a focused attention to the small but deep multifidous muscles as well as the QL, erector spinae, glute medius, and glute minimus, as well as adjusting the lower spine and sacroiliac joint. Many people who get adjustment-only treatments get quick but temporary relief as muscle pain returns, and people who get massage-only treatments often plateau as the stiff and dysfunctional joints haven’t been addressed which then feeds into the surrounding muscles, creating a viscous cycle. If you’re not on the way to recovery by your third or fourth visit, save your money (and spine) and find an expert who can properly assess, diagnose and treat your one-sided low back.