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At Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage, we are proud to offer what we believe the most comprehensive & effective massage and chiropractic treatment; which is not offered anywhere else.Generally speaking chiropractors are considered the experts in treating and correcting the joints particularly of the spine and pelvis, and massage therapists are experts in treating and correcting muscular pain and dysfunction


As I am the only professional trained as a chiropractor and as a myotherapist (SLM), which is a specialised; corrective form of remedial and deep tissue massage. I have the necessary training and skills to treat both, this is important as I’ve found treating one does not necessarily resolve the other, especially in the case of chronic back pain and injury.


One of the most important things my training and experience has taught me, is where a person feels pain or tension is usually just the symptom. The body functions as a single unit and not a sum of body parts where problems occur in isolation, for most pain suffers the underlying problem is usually found at a distance to where the problem is felt, and pain is usually just a flow on effect from a whole body problem. This is what I believe is the main reason why the majority of back pain sufferers experience temporary  relief from therapies that focus just on the sight of pain.


In this figure you can see how the skeleton has become out of ‘alignment’ and the red marks indicate common areas where pain and inflammation occur, usually around ‘stuck’ and irritated joints; as gravity begins to take its effect by loading these areas and surrounding tissue more on one side of the body compared to the other.

Even though the muscles are not shown, it is the muscles that are responsible for holding the body’s frame in a balanced and supported posture.The image is a consequence of a whole body imbalance and the effects it has on the joints particularly of the spine and pelvis, when this occurs which is very common in most pain back suffers you need a therapy that can balance the main postural muscles and a therapy that can specifically target and unlock the painful, stiff  and inflamed joints; as mentioned previously, treating one does not usually resolve the other.

This is what makes the approach at Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage so effective, we offer an hour comprehensive hands on therapy. By balancing the main postural muscles using myotherapy (SLM)/remedial massage then correct the painful, stiff joints and local spasm with chiropractic.

Your body is brought to a more supple, balanced and pain free state, with this approach; leading to longer lasting benefits. Our Sydney chiropractor and remedial message therapist is an expert at treating low back pain, sciatica, hip pain, sporting injuries, overuse injuries, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain,  etc…

One of the most important things my training and experience has taught me, is where a person feels pain or tension is usually just the symptom. The body functions as a single unit and not a sum of body parts where problems occur in isolation, for most pain suffers the underlying problem is usually found at a distance to where the problem is felt, and pain is usually just a flow on effect from a whole body problem. This is what I believe is the main reason why the majority of back pain sufferers experience temporary  relief from therapies that focus just on the sight of pain.

Contact Sydney Chiropractic & Remedial Massage today to find out more.

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