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There are many physiological, structural, and emotional changes that pregnant women go through, and getting treatment can greatly help alleviate some of the negative effects of these changes. Kieran uses a tailored pregnancy cushion and a variety of face and body bolsters designed for all stages of pregnancy so you can comfortably lay face down, these can be easily adjusted to your body keeping your spine and pelvis in neutral alignment so the muscles around your spine and hips can completely relax allowing for a more effective and relaxing treatment. Many pregnant women will suffer from lower back and pelvic pain as the center of gravity shifts as they progress further into the pregnancy, many will have to alter their sleeping position putting stress and strain on the body causing neck and shoulder pain.

Kieran also treats postpartum mothers, as chronic tension of the neck and shoulders, as well as the lower back, may develop from holding and nursing the baby, overuse injuries of the wrists are another common complaint experienced by new mothers.
