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A couple of weeks ago i wrote an article on what some of the research is now showing, in regards to its lack of effectiveness in injury prevention and improved performance and why i generally don’t recommend stretching for back pain sufferer’s. To read this article click here. Rather than stretching, i often recommend my patients do some sort of self care or management on there own muscles between treatments in order to get the best results and pain free in the quickest amount of time.

Self trigger point massage is a very effective way to reduce chronic muscle pain and tension that the vast majority of back pain sufferers experience. At Sydney Chiropractic & remedial massage we are dedicated to getting you pain free and moving unrestricted without the need for excessive treatment.

Trigger points are area’s of increased muscle tone and irritability (‘knots) that may cause localised pain or refer pain and contribute to low back symptoms. Research has shown that trigger points in the muscles of the hip and back contribute to pain symptoms of the lower back, and patients who had a greater number of  active trigger points had higher intensities of pain and reduced sleep quality. (1) For the low back, self massage of the glute medius/minimus and tensor fascia latae, quadratus lumborum (QL) and the erector spinae trigger point massage using a tennis ball or a lacrose ball is an effective way to help resolve stiff, achey and painful backs.


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Gluteals                                 TFL                            remdial Piriformis                     massage  QL/Parasinals

Our Sydney chiropractor, remedial massage therapist and myotherapist (SLM) has prescribed these to many of his patients suffereing chronic low back pain with excellent results. Superficial heat may also be of benefit for acute and chronic low back pain (2), I recommend laying on a heat pack for 10-15 minutes on the affected area’s to help help improve circulation, decrease muscle tone and increase mobility.

It’s generally just a matter of finding the trigger points as shown in these diagrams in this article using a ball and holding for roughly 30 seconds until any tenderness begins to dissipate, then move onto the next point you may want to keep coming back to the same area’s several times letting them rest and applying heat in between. These should never cause pain but more of a ‘good hurt’.

I often recommended to these once every 1-3 days, depending on what works best for you. For some doing too often may irritate the problem, if your still feeling a tender form the self massage the day before leave it for the next day.

Doing these before you go to bed will also help as it gives plenty of time for the muscles  to settle down over night, as opposed to doing them at the beginning of the day and using the muscles immediately after treating them. At Sydney Chiropractic and Remedial Massage you get a comprehensive hands on treatment, you are also empowered with effective techniques and knowledge to take care of your own back pain & injury.

If you would like more information contact our Sydney chiropractor, myotherapist (SLM) and remedial massage therapist.

Search terms: Trigger points, chronic low back pain, acute low back, low back pain, self massage, Sydney chiropractic, Sydney chiropractor, chiropractor Sydney, Sydney remedial massage, remedial massage Sydney

1. Iglesias-González JJ1, Muñoz-García MT, Rodrigues-de-Souza DP, Alburquerque-Sendín F, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C. Myofascial trigger points, pain, disability, and sleep quality in patients with chronic nonspecific low back painPain Med. 2013 Dec;14(12):1964-70. doi: 10.1111/pme.12224. Epub 2013 Aug 15

2. Chou R1, Huffman LH;  Nonpharmacologic therapies for acute and chronic low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American Pain Society/American College of Physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2007 Oct 2;147(7):492-504.


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