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Sydney Chiropractor Approach To Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and impingement are some of the more complicated pain conditions Kieran encounters at his practice; it tends to be a chronic condition, with some experiencing shoulder pain for years. The shoulder joint is considered one of the most complicated joints in the body. As a result, a clear and definitive cause of shoulder problems is rarely clear-cut. Pain most commonly affects the joint where the upper arm and shoulder meet, i.e., the glenohumeral joint; other joints may also be involved, as well as the structures within the joint itself and the surrounding structures such as the rotator cuff/muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Some may experience constant shoulder pain or intermittent episodes with sporadic reoccurrences.

Treatment for the muscles of the rotator cuff, upper arm, and muscles that attach to the scapula, as well as mobility work on the glenohumeral joint, will help reduce protective muscle guarding and increase pain-free movement. Due to the complicated nature of the condition, which needs to be assessed and treated on a case-by-case basis, some people may need medical treatment such as NSAIDS and further scans.